Our Reviews

See reviews from real customers using FlipFuel®. We're incredibly grateful that so many backpackers from the community have taken the time to leave us a review.

  • "We tested it and came to the conclusion that every backpacker, camper, and hiker should keep one of these with their cooking gear. It will get used."

  • "Almost every backpacking-obsessed friend or family member will make use of this nifty tool, which consolidates isobutane from half-empty fuel canisters."

  • "It easily allows you to transfer fuel from one isobutane canister to another, potentially minimizing waste and preventing the need to carry multiple half-full canisters out into the backcountry."

  • "It’s simple to use, and at $35, this product will prove extremely valuable to any frequent camper, cutting down on waste and making it easy to consolidate partially-filled canisters."

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What People Are Saying